Today’s Anti-Racist Action


Hello Farm Friends,

You haven’t heard from me recently. I have been self reflecting and listening. I’ve been listening…to nature, to the people I come across, to myself.  From all my listening over the last several months, I have heard two key messages: 

  1. Keep Listening
  2. Oppression and racial inequality is something we must work to eliminate every day.

To that end, during the 2020 farming season, The Cutting Veg will be doing one Farmers’ Market per month in support of Black agricultural initiatives and organizations doing work to serve marginalized communities.  During these markets, customers are able to take as much veg as they want, pay whatever they want, and 100% of sales are given to the organization we are collaborating with that month.  Monday was the re-opening of Sorauren Farmers’ Market, and thanks to the generosity of the community, we were able to raise $730 for FoodShare.

FoodShare does amazing work.  Since the COVID shutdown began in March, FoodShare has distributed over 480,000 lbs of fresh produce to folks facing heightened food insecurity in the GTA.  They have served 32,800+ people through deliveries of Emergency Good Food Boxes. They have hired 25+ international students who did not qualify for government benefits.  Having worked for FoodShare for many years, starting in 2005, I can speak first-hand about the incredible work FoodShare does to increase access to healthy and affordable food in communities where it is needed most.

I encourage you to learn more about FoodShare and their anti-oppression work. I also hope you will consider making a donation to FoodShare. Their work changes lives; and today, you can too!

Wishing you well from the farm,


P.S. THANK YOU to all of you working to end racism and all forms of oppression each day.

