Farm Talk: The Dog Days

Hello Farm Folk,

Farm Update:
We were in the potato patch this week (it’s Friday afternoon, as I write this). Shaking the Colorado Potato Beetle into bins, only later to be killed. Either they eat, or we do. Lead Intern Tara teaches us respect, honour, humility, by praying with them, before we drown the poor bastards. This is our version of Integrated Pest Management. “Intergrating” our care for all living things, with the realities of organic farming. Balancing respect with the reality that for one to eat, others must die (whether it’s pests or weeds.) It’s the dog days of summer on the farm, and this week kicked my ass. The heat, the workload, the crop disappointments. I don’t know if I’m more excited about Shabbat (my day of rest), or to start farming again on Sunday.

Volunteers Welcome:
Each week we welcome volunteers to the farm from Sunday-Friday, 7:15am-4pm. If you are interested in helping on the farm this week or next, please rsvp to and let her know what day you want to come, and if you need directions to the farm, or a lift (leaving at 6am from Bloor & Christie area). Hope to see you on the farm soon!

Produce This Week:
While there will often be last-minute, unanticipated changes, this week CSA members can expect to see most of the following items at the pick-up: Bok Choy, Zucchini, Beets, Mushrooms, Lettuce, Garlic Scapes, Kale or Swiss Chard, and Green Onions. The Bok Choy, Zucchini, Beets, Mushrooms, and Lettuce were outsourced from other local, organic farms.

Recipe: Preserving Garlic Scapes and Green Onions
On the farm we love to encourage people to preserve some of the harvest, so that they have access to local, organic produce during the winter. I love freezing garlic scapes and green onions (separately), as it sets me up for a winter of yummy flavours, and medicinal food:

The procedure:

  1. Wash your garlic scapes or green onions, and allow to dry.
  2. Chop into small pieces
  3. Double bag them and freeze.

For more fun recipes, visit

That’s all the news from the farm for now. Until next time, Keep Livin’ on the Veg!

The Cutting Veg Farm Team
