Farm Talk: The Joy of Planting

Farm Update
After wondering all winter where the early planting would occur (would it take place at the farm in Brampton, or at the newly acquired land in Sutton?), the answer emerged last week. With both acreages too wet to till, we settled on a third option. After reading our last newsletter which questioned where and when we’d be able to plant, our neighbours in Sutton responded and told us that they had a very dry 1/2 acre they’d be happy to share with us. Thank you Justin, Hans, and Loes Pape!!! So, Tuesday and Wednesday were spent on the tractors tilling up the soil, and on Thursday we had our first planting of the season! Specifically, we planted 6 beds (100ft x 4 ft) of salad greens, 4 beds of Asian greens, and 2 beds of turnips. The rains of the weekend were a nice gift, which’ll ensure our seeds are nice and moist, leading to strong germination. A little flurries outside as we speak isn’t great news, but with our beds covered in row cover (garden fabric), everything should be fine. This week the early planting will continue, with specific emphasis on onions, radishes, and arugula. After nearly 6 months of planting, it feels so good to be back in the fields, sewing seeds. The first planting of the season is always very exciting. Meanwhile, on the farm in Brampton, our garlic plants are now poking their way through the straw mulch. Nearly 20 varieties, totaling 32,000 bulbs, are merely months away from delighting our taste-buds, and boosting our immune systems. With the farming season now officially under way, there is great optimism from The Cutting Veg team for an abundant harvest season in 2011!

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Update
We’re up to 130 members already signed up to share in the harvest this season, through The Cutting Veg CSA! Last year at this time, we had less than half this many families signed up. Torontonians clearly want to be part of a healthy food system, and to have access to farm fresh, local, organic produce, throughout the harvest season. As a community, we’re recognizing that CSAs not only make a difference in the world, but also enrich our quality of life! If being a member of a CSA interests you, we have four different pick-up locations in the GTA! CHOOSE THE VEG YOU WANT! More info at .

Being Part of The Cutting Veg Community:
There are so many different ways for you to get involved with The Cutting Veg. You can volunteer on the farm (more info to come in an upcoming edition of Farm Talk), you can be a CSA member (see info above), you can continue to read our newsletter, send words of support, visit us at Sorauren Market, delight in our garlic, etc, etc, etc. A new fun way to get involved is by following us on Twitter and Facebook. Through Twitter and Facebook we are letting you know what’s happening on the farm, as its happening. View photos of the crops, hear what plants are germinating, learn what’s being harvested… Join us at (@TheCuttingVeg) and Facebook ( Get involved with the farm in the ways that are right for you! Show your support for the local, organic food movement by following us on facebook and twitter!

What’s Your Local? (a note from author Sarah Elton)
The inspiring Daniel Hoffmann is one of the many innovative farmers whose story is featured in the national bestseller Locavore: From Farmers’ Fields to Rooftop Gardens, How Canadians Are Changing the Way We Eat. Author Sarah Elton invites everyone to join her here: , the facebook page for the book, to showcase even more of the diversity of local food in this country. We’re documenting the diversity of local food in this country to prove that sustainable food is more than a fad and is here to stay. Then, in a draw on Earth Day, there will be a draw for 10 signed copies. Share your local food stories, and learn of others’ stories, by visiting

The Cutting Veg in the News:
Check us out at Meghan Telpner’s “Making Love in the Kitchen” Blog:

The Living Kitchen Wellness Group — a Great Organization to check out!
The Living Kitchen Wellness Group empowers people to create wellness in their lives. Our classes, workshops, and counseling are all based on the concept field to tummy, connecting where our food comes from right down to how food impacts our health. We teach classes that integrate gardening, cooking, and movement (dance and yoga) together from a nutrition perspective. We inspire people how to feel as they were always meant to feel – amazing! More info at

That’s all the news from the farm for now. Until next time, Keep Livin’ on the Veg!

