46,000 Bulbs Harvested! 2 More Days For Early Bird Garlic Bonus

Hello Garlic Lovers,

Thanks to 40+ volunteers we harvested 25,000 bulbs of organic garlic on Sunday and Monday. The garlic harvest is now complete, and we have 46,000 bulbs now curing in the barn! And it is clearly the best looking crop we have had since The Global Garlic Project was launched in 2005.

We currently have 23 varieties in cultivation, and 14 widely available for purchase:  Polish, Persian, Israeli, Russian, Korean, Italian, Sicilian, Salt Spring Island, Chinese, Ukrainian, Former Yugoslavian, Rose de Lautrec, and for, for the first time ever, Northern Quebec and Siberian! Each variety is unique in flavour, shape, size, and cloves per bulb — making it easy to fall in love with them all.

Our other varieties —  Argentinean, Romanian, Japanese, Cuban, Tibetan, Transylvanian, Czech, Guatemalan, and Charlie’s Sicilian — will be available for purchase in the coming growing seasons. However, if you order by this Friday, August 11th (tomorrow!), you qualify for our EARLY BIRD BONUS and will receive 3 free bonus bulbs from these rare and otherwise unavailable varieties. You can place your order right now.

A few other great Garlicky opportunities:
1. The Cutting Veg is also offering our “Garlic Lovers Organic Variety Packs”, and “Garlic Lovers Organic Large Variety Packs” this season, for folks who aren’t yet addicted to certain varieties, and want to sample a wide spectrum, at a discount price. We are also now offering Garlic Braids, Garlic Gift Bags, and Ugly Garlic Bags. And for Farmers and others wanting larger quantities, we are now offering bulk purchasing options. Place your order.

2. Learn more about the various garlic varieties, and their unique qualities.

3. If you are interested in growing your own garlic, check out the following link for basic growing instructions.

4. Check out our garlic sampling recipes (to get to know the various varieties)

Looking forward to sharing in the garlic harvest with you.  Until then, Keep Livin’ on the Veg!


P.S. You can place your order now!
